Carol’s Story

“I got up at 8 in the morning to take my daughters to school.”

“They got organized, got ready, had breakfast, and we walked to school because it’s not far, about 10-minutes walking.”

“Once back, I prepared my breakfast, ate some fruits and a tortilla with scrambled eggs, ham, cheese, and a cup of tea with milk. I was watching a couple of episodes of a series I’m into right now.”

“Next, some work for classes, one on history and one on philosophy – that’s how the morning went.”

“Approximately around two in the afternoon I went to pick up the girls from school. Once back, we had lunch.”

“I had my therapy session with my psychologist; normally it’s in the morning, but as there was a time change for summer here in Spain, and she’s from Argentina, it’s very very difficult for her to see me an hour later because it’s like early morning for her, so we are looking for another time to accommodate our therapy sessions.”

“After that, we went out to buy materials for a task they had, some models, like dioramas, of some fair booths so my daughters wanted to make cotton candy stands.”

“That’s what we did – we stayed until quite late (they went to bed a little late actually) and then I stayed up until early morning, finishing their projects because it was obviously very late, so I finished them.”

“So basically, that was my day – in the night while I was finishing, I was on a video call with my boyfriend. He was playing some video games, and I was working on projects, and we were talking some.”

You can find Carol in Bormujos, Spain.