A Day Around The World – a project exploring lives across the globe


Countries Represented

Países Representados


Stories Told

Historias Contadas


Languages Spoken

Idiomas Hablados

Laura, United States

“I do the same thing every single morning. I wake up, brush my teeth, use the bathroom, wash my hands, put my hair in a bun…”

Merly, Perú

“Muchas veces las personas piensan que los animales son simplemente animales y que no tienen sentimientos, y no es verdad.”

Yolanda, México

“Tenía ya muchos días que estaba un poco desvelada, así que me dormí temprano. No sin antes haber tomado un poco de leche de coco y una galleta.”

Laura, United States

“Todos los días hago exactamente lo mismo por la mañana. Me levanto, me cepillo los dientes, uso el baño, me lavo las manos, me hago un moño con el pelo…”

Merly, Peru

“Many times people think animals are just animals and that they don’t have feelings, and that’s not true.”

Yolanda, México

“I had been a little sleep-deprived for several days, so I went to bed early. Not before having a bit of coconut milk and a cookie.”

Want to contribute your story?

Interviews can be as long or as short as you like!